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Old 10th February 2022, 12:33     #1183
Originally Posted by Cyberbob
Isn't that the age old thing though.

Black History Month? Great. White History Month? Wouldn't dare.
Women In IT Leadership awards? Great. Men in IT Leadership awards? Wouldn't dare.
Scholarships for Māori students given to someone that doesn't speak the language, barely knows what iwi his Whānau belong to, but wants a free ride? Perfect.

It's not a great approach, but is there a better approach?
As a CIS white male, can I even question it without being cancelled?
Its pretty easy to differentiate.
Who has been oppressed, held back, screwed over etc etc.

You don't know your iwi, or speak Maori to have been discrimated etc. It's not just that person, but the generations before them that have put them in that position.
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