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Old 11th April 2017, 13:51     #2150
The problem is that someone screaming at a police officer because they want to be left alone isn't always going to be irrational.
It depends. From the internal perspective of the person yelling, it may be seem rational - which is my point about evolutionary and developmental background. But from the outside, you'd be hoping for a compassionate, insightful police response which doesn't seem wise.

I don't think it's controversial to say that people tend to talk about other people being rational or irrational from the perspective of their own beliefs, not what they understand the beliefs of others to be.

Well actually I said that different disciplines define the same concept in different ways.
I don't want to tumble down a semantic rabbit hole, but a concept defined differently is a different concept the way I see it.

At least a dictionary definition is better than PROVIDING NO DEFINITION OR CONTEXT AT ALL.

Up your game bro.
I'm assuming the context is apparent, and if not I'm assuming people have the capacity to inquire. If the intent is the be hostile and combative, I don't give a fuck. I'm not trying to convince anyone, I'm trying to share my perspective and see what response I get.
Stay shook. No sook.
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