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Old 11th April 2017, 13:14     #2148
Originally Posted by [Malks] Pixie
Perhaps being specific about what type of rationality you are talking about would clear up some of the confusion LS (or perhaps it'll make it worse).
I'm probably using a poorly defined version of "rational". I'm coming from an understanding of human behaviour. For instance, it might be irrational for a person to scream obscenities at a police officer if they want to be left alone. However from the perspective of their evolutionary and developmental background, we might understand how that response is coherent and rational considering these things.

Also whether or not Jodi personally knows any evolutionary biologists is irrelevant - they're right that that field (like many others) use a specific definition of rationality.
Of course it matters. It's easy to read some article on Vice and think you're got an esoteric discipline sussed out, when really you've got a distorted view that only makes sense in a very specific context.

As you say, specific concepts apply to specific disciplines... which is why I find it so frustrating when people insist dictionary definition is the only way words can be defined.
Stay shook. No sook.
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