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Old 9th December 2004, 19:07     #1
Lightbulb WoW Tips and Tricks

Just throwing up a thread as an NZG reference for little tips and tricks to share.

"This has come up occasionally. The full screen Bloom effect is essentially incompatible with Full Screen AntiAliasing. Disabling the Bloom should allow you to utilize and configure AA as you are accustomed."

Fix is to hard-set AA in your video card options. Disable the full-screen glowing effect. Supposedly works, haven't tested yet.

I keep seeing paladins who don't "buff" themselves when fighting. Make sure you have at least the Blessing of Might on you while fighting. Take care to use Judgement on your Seals and work out decent combinations. Quite often, different classes of monsters should have different combinations used against them. Think about it and experiment.

Custom UI: - Your friend. Get the Beta version. Back up your WoW's Interface directory and extract. Launch WoW via the Cosmos.exe program. If anything ever turns to custard, just remove your interfaces directory - WoW should download and recover.
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