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Old 26th August 2010, 17:51     #46
Originally Posted by DrTiTus
m0f0's don't want to hear problems, they want solutions.

Please elaborate, or STFU.
Retard's like this guy are a large part of the problem. Honestly man, do you think you are clever or something? Unless you have something to contribute perhaps you should stfu? Maybe you can get that IQ over 50 with a little listening. Your burns are oh so weak, and you use 0's instead of o's. Hahaha I just realised what you remind me of, 13 year olds on counterstrike.

There's no way we can approach a solution without society maturing and being able to accept that poverty is the fault of society, not the fault of the individuals within it. As long as we as a society continue to tolerate poverty crime is our punishment.

Poverty is very obviously the largest part of the solution, beyond race or anything else by a considerable margin. However as long as people continue to justify it, we will continue to suffer the run on effects of poverty.

It's quite fitting really.

If it is 'fair' to punish criminals, crime is a 'fair' punishment for a society.

edit- I know a lot of morons like Dr Titus will be like, hurrrr criminals are blah blah blah. No, that's a subjective judgment, a justification. Have you ever seen any facts that imply increasing penalties, reducing prison quality etc reduce crime? I'm gonna take a wild guess and say no.

Last edited by JP : 26th August 2010 at 17:52.
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