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Old 11th October 2022, 11:22     #479
What I observe, Ajax, is you have a clear preference to witness the atrocities of Russia without acknowledging that Ukraine government / army is smeared with shit also. The difference is the Ukranazi shitheads are all over Tik Tok, Twitter openly uploading videos of dipping bullets in pig fat, loading civilian bodies into mass graves, urinating on dead soldiers, cooking severed heads in pots, maintaining a kill list of journalists.

The difference is, my tax-payer dollars are supporting and prolonging this conflict (Bush Masters, lol) and I don't support either side but I sure as hell DO NOT support a CIA-created nazi fascist regime that hunts down civilians like pigs, rapes them, then loads them into mass graves.

Then the news agencies of the world write about it happening, but it's ... celebrating (DailyMail UK), and the justification is that supposedly Russia is just as bad in this war, according to Ukrainian officials?

Well, if Ukraine would actually let Amnesty International on site we'd be able to confirm that. Amnesty International already found that Ukraine is committing war crimes based on it's military positioning alone, to which Ukraine responded by keeping them out.

Shame on anyone who hoists the Ukraine flag cleerleading the Ukraine government and army. Idiots.

EXPOSED: Before Ukraine blew up Kerch Bridge, British spies plotted it

“I’m going to have a chat with Chris [Donnelly] and confirm with him what he’s prepared for me to release,” Ward told The Grayzone, when asked directly if he drafted the “audacious” plan.

Asked again to confirm his role in the blueprint, Ward paused, then said: “I can not confirm that. I’ll have a chat with Chris first.”
but what would I know?
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