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Old 2nd August 2005, 08:39     #74
Originally posted by Charismo'
people who walk in to an otherwise empty toilet and sit in the stall right next to you while you're taking a shit.

FFS isn't it in the unwritten code that you should let a man shit in peace?

Should be like ethernet. Back off for some random time. Try again. That's what I do.

I mean there's nothing less pleasant than knowing someone is listening to you scrape shit out of your ass crack with your toilet paper. Or listening to them do it and trying to figure out if they're a scruncher or a folder.

I'm not with you on this one. If this was the case, they'd only ever put in one cublicle. I've got no hang ups with taking a crap, or someone taking a crap in the next cubicle. Heck, I use the middle cubicle because I know that it's the least used cubicle.
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