Thread: nCoV 2019
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Old 17th June 2020, 22:20     #819
I would love to see numbers.
So 2 were let go early, but told to get a test as soon as they get to Wellington.

But how many people are in isolation (or have been).
How many compassionate exemptions have been granted or denied.

I am a little more sympathetic (I guess the political bias I have helps).
Yes, people certainly screwed up, yes I think the 2 woman may not have been entirely truthful - even after the positive test. They either did not inform health officials what happened, or it did not get up the chain of command quick enough.

But its a bit of a stretch listening to people still comment about how the whole government is incompetent and they should all go. I guess they don't realise how bad it could have been here, and the gov actually did a pretty good job.

Except Clark. He should definitely be dropped. even if Adern doesn't want to, she should drop him now, and then during the next term she can raise him back up if she wants.
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