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Old 5th March 2020, 15:45     #15
Originally Posted by blynk
Selecting Biden walks right into 2 narratives that Trump has
- The Dems have a rigged system, the swamp of bureaucracy etc

- Biden is dodgy, his son is dodgy. The dems were trying to impeach me to hide that etc etc.

Of course with Sanders, Trump doesn't need a narrative at the moment, because they can quickly pull out the Socialist narrative
Absolutely. Trump with all his faults, knows this. If Biden's on the ticket, Trump will gain even more confidence, and illustrate that the Dem's don't know what they're doing, and that he'll win against Sleepy Biden just like he won against Crooked Hillary four years ago because they stand for the same things.

And he will.
ɹǝʌo sᴉ ǝɯɐƃ ʎɥʇ
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