Thread: Oculus Rift
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Old 23rd January 2013, 15:18     #118
Originally Posted by Pimp-X
Did someone say a pouch of pellets in the inner ear? That's not.. er.. lay anything. That's fiction.
Check it, its true. If by layman you mean I didn't use the biological names; gg.
Replace pellets with crystals as I mentioned. Then hang yourself.

Edit: Holy shit, I glossed over Heisenberg being associated with sense data. Shark = jumped. Please carry on.
Keep up. The discussion was about directly sensing gravity as opposed to it's effects; ergo, force acting on you causes muscle strain which you sense. You cannot 'Sense' gravity itself.

Brush up on your quantum theory friend. Non-fermions (which I am taking gravity to have a quanta of in lieu of graviton not being discovered yet, as other forces aren't fermions, see below) cannot be 'sensed' directly.

The mere measurement of something causes it to alter state along with the measurer itself. Therefore you NEVER 'sense' a force. You sense a forces effect on your fermions. Read up on Heisenburg, YOU YOURSELF probably have a laymans interpretation of the uncertainty principle.

Now, to the gravitons; your entire argument from the start is fundamentally flawed. ALL discussion of gravity is pseudoscience, because we have NO understanding of it thus far, and indeed are yet to even find it's information carrying wave/particles if they even exist.

Yes we can measure it's effects and calculate expected outcomes in common everyday situations, but our formulas fall flat on their face in others.

You sir; are a modern day Phlogistonite

Last edited by _indigo1 : 23rd January 2013 at 15:20.
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