Thread: Oculus Rift
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Old 23rd January 2013, 14:40     #117
Drunken Annoying
Superhero Bastard
Originally Posted by Lightspeed
Yes, yes, we know Pimp-X, all your scientific knowledge is completely formal or at least you would never dare open your mouth about any scientific knowledge that is simply lay. We are humbled before your glory, O Powerful One.
Speaking for everyone huh? The mouthpiece of society as usual, Lightspeed.

If we could just rejoin common reality for a moment - what the fuck does the definition of gravity have to do with holding your arms out to the side 'sensing gravity' (wow, why not make a TV show out of that!), or .. hang on.

Did someone say a pouch of pellets in the inner ear? That's not.. er.. lay anything. That's fiction.

Sorry, I can't possibly take any of this seriously anymore because I'm overcome by the force of laughter!

Edit: Holy shit, I glossed over Heisenberg being associated with sense data. Shark = jumped. Please carry on.
If there is one movement I could get behind in this world, it would be the discrimination and abuse of fucking idiots.
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