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Old 28th October 1999, 22:07     #140
Regarding driving in NZ... it does have to be said..... "Shouldn't it be 'Driving in Auckland'?"

PLus, any professional defenseive driving course will teach you that look out for yourself, AND, everyone else. (I had to do one thru work a couple of years ago)
<ul>[*]look for potential hazards.. kids about to run out onto the road, pedrestrains, backing cars etc[*]2 second rule - yeah standard stuff, but if some prick behind you is too close, then make your gap, 4 seconds, so to give the tailgater time to stop too[*]about to brake (intersection or what have you) then look in the rear vision mirror for Mr Arsehole[*](one for you BOYD) so its illegal to back down the carriageway? Still look for Ms. Prick[*] green doesn't necessarily make right-of-way eg
<ul>[*]arseholes running a red[*]emergency vehicles[/list][*]basically, look for things that could go wrong, cause then you'll be ready for them when they do.[/list]
The guy taking it was a bit of a plonker, but he did make good points which I still think about today. (He also made some redundant comments about driving an automatic, which was a waste of time for me )
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