Thread: nCoV 2019
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Old 1st October 2022, 19:00     #2928
What has a higher quality of endorsement?:
-15k voluntary real & fake signatories (some of the fake names fear they may lose their job if they are identified... others are trolls); or
-1 million doctors and nurses who just follow orders or lose their job if they deviate

Their alternate strategy was intended to spark debate, as stated in the declaration. What they noticed was the 2020 response seemed to be the exact counter to almost all prior studies and research into pandemic responses. They wanted public debate, that was too "extreme" to be allowed.

They also noticed that official COVID response had zero risk/benefit analysis. I could go into that, but what's the point it's all blatantly obvious all the risks pretty much came to pass and none of the benefits were proven.
but what would I know?
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