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Old 21st March 2009, 17:52     #123
Originally Posted by Spink
Wouldn't life be more enjoyable if you didn't plan to spend the next 3 years sulking?
I'm not sulking at all. I'm middle class with no dependents, I personally am in little danger and likely better off under National. It mostly comes down to two things for me.

One, poverty is the cause of so so many issues in our society, neither labour nor National are doing enough to curb it, but National will likely increase it. If National would reduce poverty considerably more than labour, that issue alone would probably be enough for me to vote for them over Labour. Of course it's a complicated issue, and its not like anyone can just 'solve' poverty. But it's a crime how little is done about it. Simply because it's 'their fault' they're poor. Which is 100% moot with regards to increasing societies overall well being. You let 100 kids grow up in poverty, x amount will come out a certain way.

Two. Social issues. The exact same people complaining about nanny state, are the same people voting for Nixon in opposition of civil rights in America in the 60s. Yes they're more liberal now, but that's simply because they've been raised in a more liberal society, it's the same section of society. However, whether or not John Key was pudding on a charade dancing with drag queens, it shows just how far we've come in a quick time if the leader of the conservative party feels the need to kiss ass to the gays.

Ramble on. But yeah, I haven't found them to be that bad yet, but i'm still worried.
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