Thread: nCoV 2019
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Old 29th October 2021, 16:10     #1993
The discussion that goes on here makes me grateful I've had the opportunity to learn history.

Some people really don't get how absurd they are when they compare current events to fascism and other totalitarianism. They don't get how much upheaval illness has caused throughout human history.

Projecting out their fear of not being in control, not realising how little control we ever have. Not willing to acknowledge that we can do our best and still get fucked, because that is the fear they can't face.

It's people willing to roll their sleeve up to do what they can who are instead afraid.

Hundreds of thousands of healthcare workers are dead as a result of this pandemic.

But that's too scary, it's surely got to be some kind of human factor that is the source of our woe, something within our control that's got to be changed. Ignore the pandemic you sheep! Be brave like me, like that time I didn't wear a uniform to work!
Stay shook. No sook.
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