Thread: nCoV 2019
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Old 29th October 2021, 03:41     #1982
I'm sure the meningococcal vaccine was pushed as "safe and effective" too. And for most people, it is. But to make a blanket statement, and mandate that everyone HAS to have it [or lose their job?], seems like madness, and certainly open the doors to problems of responsibility.

To take away the choice, implies that the risk and responsibility are no longer on the individual. I would say it's in a government's best interests to allow people freedom of choice, if only to remove their liability and responsibility when these rare events do take place [which, I think is fair to assume, will happen sometimes].

I'm not here to share links about the meningococcal vaccine, or tout efficacy rates, or prove something with data. I'm just hoping that people start to realize that "one size fits all" healthcare is not a great decision, and we're literally playing with people's lives. It really doesn't sit well with me that a leader of a free country would keep repeating the mantra "get vaccinated" without incorporating some sort of verbal asterisk like "where possible" and encouraging people to speak to their doctor and get proper advice and do it through proper channels, not just drive through jabs [wtf?]

Should there not be a medical professional involved? Some screening to justify the risk/benefit?

I know in Russia (with Sputnik, which is obviously not Pfizer), they are not vaccinating young people willy nilly. I don't know the exact policy, but I spoke to a girl who had recently contracted COVID. She's alive, obviously, and appears to be "normal"/recovered, but I asked if she had been vaccinated and she said she hadn't. I asked why not, and she said "the doctor did not recommend it for someone of my age [20], because I am not high risk".

I did not chastise her for not being vaccinated, nor did I attack Russian medical expertise. It is what it is - who am I to say? She got COVID, she recovered, case closed. I don't think she spent time in hospital, just stayed home because she was obviously sick.

If these paranoid propagandatarians want to vaccinate their 5 year old, well fuck, I have no sympathy if they end up with side effects. You're supposed to protect your children, not inject them with experimental drugs because you're scared of something you've heard about on TV.
Finger rolling rhythm, ride the horse one hand...
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