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Old 9th April 2001, 21:50     #19

I will explain what i mean:

All players are different. 2 good players will have a slight difference in skill but if they play sniper and one of them has a low ping and knows how to use this ping advantage - the skill difference between those 2 players will be quite large.

Now what im gonna tell you might find interesting:

A really good sniper who has low ping and knows how to use it gets to the point when he doesnt miss a single shot and has a shot rate a second, half of a second? Which makes for the enemy classes, nomatter how good they are or what they do absolutely no (zero) chance of passing the poor bridge.

If enemy introduces a sniper of their own it may make things even or may be not (read my first point). Either way its a waste of a player because snipers dont really do much for caps score. (unless its well6, but i just generalise here).

This waste of players on snipers gets us away from the point of playing tf - ie caps. plus it makes things very unfair for all other classes.

[This message has been edited by cann (edited 09 April 2001).]
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