Thread: Random Politics
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Old 27th March 2023, 08:46     #5870
I think as a country we'll look back at it as a great day
Senior law lecturer Dylan Asafoi says the proliferation of harmful rhetoric under the guise of free speech emboldens hatred and has led to overseas transphobic laws actively limiting trans’ lives.

“Even allowing these people to have platforms and spaces to proliferate that rhetoric is extremely dangerous.

“Any harm in limiting their speech is merely hypothetical and largely outweighed by the real harm and risks to the marginalised communities they actively target.”

Asafoi says the free speech argument tends to prioritise activists who come from privileged backgrounds over minority communities.

“Do we want to take a stand and protect marginalised people...or are we willing to just provide platforms under this rhetoric of free speech that doesn't have a lot of substance?”
Protecting your peace is way more important than proving your point. Some people aren't open to cultivating their views. Just let them be wrong.
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