Thread: Whaleoil closes
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Old 6th August 2019, 14:17     #6
A mariachi ogre snorkel
Back in the dim dark mists of history when blogs were a thing I had in the NZ section of my feed reader and checked the headlines every morning. Occasionally stories broke there well before the trad media outlets even knew about them. I occasionally contributed witty and erudite comments on articles and once upon a time I even got quoted in a story, lol.

Over time the site became unpleasant, it became less news and more clickbait and more personal attacks, and eventually became too toxic to be worth my time. I eventually got banned for comments I made on an immunisation article, turns out Slater and his wife are antivaxers. Knowing now how genuinely poisonous Slater and his operation were, I feel kind of dirty and hope we've seen the last of them all.
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