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Old 1st June 2010, 01:27     #22
Skipping a feed causes mastitis? Haha pull the other one, midwife tell you that gem? I can hear her now... "It's your fault, you shouldn't have skipped a feed, feed on demand, you've given him/her nipple confusion by giving him/her a bottle/dummy/anything non natural/hippie"
After having mastitis twice with our first, and listening to midwives who would just spout "PERSIST WITH BREAST FEEDING NO MATTER THE COST! IT'S THE ONLY FIX FOR MASTITIS, YOU MUST CLEAR THE BREAST NATURALLY!!!!" we went to a specialist breast surgeon who said "Nah, fuck no. Just stop. Stop pumping, stop expressing, stop everything. It will all just clear up." Asked our LMC (specialist obs) who agreed, just stop, if you have any worries I will chuck you on antibiotics at the first sign of infection.
Sure enough.... All cleared up, milk supply dried up, baby on formula = much happier family.

MadMax: All babies are not created equal, also all nipples are not created equal. Some babies have a smaller mouth, shorter tongue.. some mums, larger nipples, smaller breasts... any number of combined things to make latching/feeding harder to get perfect resulting in damaged bruised, cracked, bleeding, then infected nipples/breasts and thus extreme 'suffering'. The other thing is, some babies just like sucking or chewing. Our youngest for example would NEVER open his mouth wide enough and would ALWAYS readjust, no matter how good the initial latch. So he would pull back, bite on the end of the nipple, chew for a bit, get frustrated, chew some more and generally fuck the whole thing up. He even did this while on the bottle, I'd watch him nibble the end of the teat for a good while before letting it into his mouth.

So yeah that midwife on your shoulder who loves to paint everything with the same bullshit brush can fuck off.
Honestly, I don't think there is any branch of the current standard health care system which is even close to being as useless and counterproductive as midwives.
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