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Old 16th February 2020, 19:02     #406
Here's how it is. When I think to myself "why am I fixating on this, why do I need opinions on this" in regards to sex and gender I get terribly embarrassed because I come across my insecurities. And so, I don't share those opinions, in fact don't bother to form them, because I know I'm just building a facade around my doubts and fears, at which point they're hidden even from myself. I prefer to know what I'm about.

And so, when I see you creating these stories, justifying your involvement, despite these not being pressing issues for you, I see the same thing. I see the shame at the core of the opinion. This evokes the response you're seeing.

You of course have opportunity to demonstrate something else. Right now you're like grandpa having a go at being progressive, except you're not grandpa.
Stay shook. No sook.
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