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Old 19th July 2010, 15:43     #121
Originally Posted by doppelgänger of someone
Aren't they doing you, or anyone unlucky enough to work there, a favour by firing you after 90 days? Imagine what it would be like working there for your whole life.

I don't necessarily see it as a bad thing that some nasty employers use the 90-days trial period to fire employees. At least you KNOW they are nasty, and it is better to NOT work for them. I don't see the data that there is widespread abuse (and at this point, any data is not stable enough to lead to any meaningful conclusion anyway, all we get is anecdotal evidence.).
Depends, did I need that money to feed my kids? People will put up with a lot of shit to keep their families fed.

Remember what WINZ does if you get fired - you get a 13 week stand-down for any UB application. Unless they've changed that policy... niiice.
So the perkbuster Hide abusing perks, crimbuster Garrett actually a crim - what's next? Roger Douglas is secretly poor? --Saladin
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