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Old 29th September 2004, 12:47     #8
Bobo Fettish
I've got a pair of those sony in-ear things

Pros: Great sound. Really really good sound. Really really. And they block out stupid external noises like people/dogs/meteors.

Cons: For some stupid ass reason the recent models come with a split cable so you have either a reeeeally short one from the buds to the jack (probably to plug into remote controls) or connect it up to the longer cable. I find this horribly annoying because the cable is either too short or way too long.

Plus considering the price i tend to take care of them which means it's a little inconvenient putting them in their little container and pouch after each use.

So ... when i'm going on a trip - i'll use them to drown out plane/car noises. Otherwise i'll just use the standard earphones that came with my ipod.

In hindsight i probably shouldn't have bothered as it's not too often i'm on a plane etc and the mess of cables/pouches/plastic ear container really pisses me off.
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