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Old 16th January 2020, 13:22     #324
Originally Posted by Lightspeed
Oops, I thought you were being curious and would read my post in good faith.

Of course, given the emotive tantrum you threw in your previous post, I should have realised otherwise.

My bad.
Unfortunately, while your previous points seemed reasonable - you made the mistake of correlation/causation when you introduced the military. The military as an entity has changed hands so many times over the course of millenia that it could be easy to assume that it's the driving change. Except it isn't.

Regardless of whether the military is being led directly by the ruler of any given nation, or a military head, it has always bent to the will of SOMEONE else. In terms of current and recent western governance, that power has belonged to the majority vote.

Even with this being the case, arguing any SPECIFIC tendency of the military over the past 120 years is really a nonsensical argument due to the radical differences that they have experienced since 1900. The military has been in flux continuously and for extreme reasons.

However if you were to look at say every 20 years independently, you can start to draw conclusions. Those conclusions very much show that the military follows the popular vote, not vice versa.

LGBT+ negativity have been driven by the church and it's long standing tradition of ..... fill in your own reasons here....
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