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Old 6th August 2005, 14:08     #193
Them: The printer has run out of toner.

Me: So go to the office, get some more and change it. The instructions are on the underside of the lid.

Them: I've been to the office, they don't have toner.

Me: Then ask them to order some. You obviously wont be able to use the printer until you get it changed.

Them: I asked them to order some, they said you should have some.

Me: No, toner is a consumable, I don't stock consumables.

Them: But the printer came from you.

Me: Yes, I provided the printer, I even threw in the first toner cartridge because it came with the printer. But I don't supply toner after I've installed it.

Them: But it's a printer.

Me: Yes, I know that, but toner is a consumable. You don't see me providing paper for your printer do you? The reason is that toner and paper are consumables. I don't do consumables.

Them: So you don't have a toner cartridge.

Me: If I had one, I'd willingly give it to you to get you to leave but I don't. Toner is the responsibility of the front office, as is paper.

They then go away and I'm confronted by somebody from the front office and we have exactly the same type of conversation. This is a regular occurance (every time one of the printers runs out of toner, I get a different initial idiot, usually followed by the same front office person).

Yes, I could buy toner and give it to them, but I don't have the budget for that AND everything else they want. So no, I will not supply you with your toner, the guy with the consumables budget can.

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