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Old 20th May 2020, 20:49     #270
"He that is to govern a whole nation must read in himself, not this or that particular man, but mankind"

The whole idea of the social contract that was the backbone of the american revolution was based around this premise. The Hobbesian concept of "state of nature" presupposes that the worst of humanity will come to the fore when left to it's own devices.

What i'm yet to see in Leviathan, is the situation of when a population knowingly and willingly appoint the worst aspects of humanity to the paramount role, a leader who openly incites a "war of all against all" and a return to "state of nature" but under HIS rule.

"bellum omnium contra omnes" (war of all against all)

While we aren't facing the same level of problems as America, it still seems as though our leaders are failing to address the base premise of who is fit to govern, and what their responsibilities actually entail.

Personally, I see democracy as a wartime solution, and post wartime solution. Once enough time lapses, and the horrors of war are no longer prevalent in the minds of the populace or the politicians. The desire to do whats right for mankind during war is simple. The desire to do whats right when there is no gun pointing at your population is somewhat harder. It also encourages leanings towards doing right for the "particular man" so as to better position yourself during your encumbency and to grease wheels for life after your time serving your country.

A reformed version of democracy needs to be established, one that harks back to the original premise, but in a modernised version of it's elegant simplicity.

And yes, i'm reading Hobbes, Leviathan. It's quite an interesting read if you're into that kind of thing
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