Thread: Random Politics
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Old 14th September 2018, 20:36     #4538
Stunt Pants
Originally Posted by blynk
So where are all these people that will come out of woodwork live now?
They aren't renting, and they don't own their own home?

Apparently, some are living in motels, cars, etc. Take a look further in your post where you said Yes there is an issue that some renters now don't have a property. But we already had that. So you're acknowledging that to be the case.

Others have been living with their parents and are moving out of home. And, as Bob said, some come from out of the area. Immigrants, in other words.

Some people are New Zealanders who are moving from a part of NZ that doesn't have a shortage of rental properties (say, I dunno, Palmerston North?) to a place that does (say, Auckland). So if a renting family moves from Palmy to Auckland, then there is now one more rental property available in Palmy and one less rental property available in Auckland. Overall, no change. But within Auckland, you now have more people competing for rental properties. Would you want to exacerbate that by giving landlords reason to quit the game and end up with fewer rental properties for more renters?

Ok, if we are talking about everything

100,000 own home
10,000 rentals & 10,000 renters
1,000 living somewhere else

So 2000 of those rentals are sold. Lets say all the other people buy one of these

102,000 own home
8000 rentals & 8000 renters
1,000 living somewhere else.

We are in the same position.

That's a nice exercise, but your numbers are too basic to reflect the reality of the situation.

Yes there is an issue that some renters now don't have a property. But we already had that.

And Judith Collin's position is that Labour policies will exacerbate that.

So this is a housing shortage issue, not am issue of changing rental rules.

Like I keep saying - they're inextricably linked. You're putting your head in the sand to pretend otherwise. A shortage of housing creates a shortage of rental properties. You simply cannot deny that and you cannot separate them into individually compartmentalised issues.
I just want to understand this, sir. Every time a rug is micturated upon in this fair city, I have to compensate the owner?
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