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Old 12th January 2019, 17:37     #28
A mariachi ogre snorkel
Originally Posted by [Malks] Pixie
More like, "You're allowed to point out the Emperor's nakedness but you've got to do so in a robust manner which adheres to the ethics guidelines that everyone else has to abide by".

He's being disciplined because he falsified data and failed to have ethics approval for a study that involved human subjects (and thus needs to meet both internal and federal standards) - not because of the topic of their research.

The guy wrote a paper claiming to have been based on the observations of 10,000 dogs genitals and by "applying Black feminist criminology categories through which (the) observations can be understood and by inferring from lessons relevant to human and dog interactions to suggest practical applications that disrupt hegemonic masculinities and improves access to emancipatory spaces" to show that "the cultural norms operating within and upon these spaces form microcultures where acceptable and unacceptable behavior in human communities may be reflected in the way human companions construct their interactions with dogs, particularly in regard to rape culture and queering, and a-/moral interpretations of such behaviors and their human analogues under the assumptions of rape culture", concluding that dog parks "become rape-condoning spaces in which human rape culture plays out by the moral permissiveness we extend to animals.”

Summary: human rape culture exists and can be improved by training men like dogs.

We wanted to see if reviewers or editors would ask to see this data or question the conclusions we drew from it. They did not and, in fact, the paper was recognized for excellence within feminist geography.
The University's objection: "you didn't really look at 10,000 dogs' genitals".

Yep, that's the problematic bit all right.
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