Thread: nCoV 2019
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Old 10th September 2020, 15:00     #1174
Originally Posted by Nich
Bingo. There's nothing scientific about the policies being put in place, but yet people resisting policy decisions are very quickly labelled "anti-science". Data and science are reframed and cropped into the form of political weapons as it currently stands. No more seeking a verifiable truth, just clobbering one another with our set of carefully selected facts.
It's not accurate to say there's nothing scientific about the policies being put in place, the volume of resistance isn't coming from a place of appropriate knowledge. We can see the difference in practices, in quality of outcomes.

Health science is about making decisions in the absence of certainty, in the real world with all its complexity and competing pressures. It's about having a robust, coherent rationale based on the best knowledge available.

But right now it seems there's a question as to whether there is even a real world at all. There's no interplay between ourselves and the world. It's just us.
Stay shook. No sook.
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