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Old 17th November 2022, 17:23     #1896
Climate change is really just one manifestation of colonialism or an intensification of the environmental impacts of colonisation.

“The ecocidal logics that now govern our world are not inevitable or human nature but are the result of a series of decisions that have their origins and reverberation in the process of colonisation.

“The accepted values and norms of the dominant global political forces that are really driving the ecological destruction that we see are not natural or inevitable but are a particular cultural phenomenon.
This is the bait and switch. This is the myopic part.

Sure colonisation spread industrialism and an ecotoxic culture to SOME parts of the world.

But that is coincidental not causal, and it conveniently leaves out the large swaths of the world that suffer the same issues but were never colonised, at least in the narrow definition of colonisation that is being used mostly these days.
Examples I already gave are China and Russia/USSR.
Much of Europe. Etc etc.

Of course if you want to argue that technically all of the world is that way due to colonisation at one point, then that dismantles the entire argument because you are saying that the act of migration is what has caused climate change in one manifestation - which is like - well yeah, duh?
Once you get into that argument, then none of us are indigenous.

Last edited by _indigo1 : 17th November 2022 at 17:26.
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