Thread: Random Politics
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Old 29th March 2024, 01:00     #6089
I won't make any comments on your video, but I got this one recommended to me after watching yours: New Zealand: Joshua Green, not convicted because he's a Maori

Clearly I'm in living in a fucked up country where people are judged by their ancestry and not equally under the law. For shame.

The only thing more depressing than seeing this all happen, is seeing idiots defending it because social justice and the fact they have a mangina.

As you were though. You're entitled to your opinion, even if it's fucking stupid.

I'm all for people being weasles in court and using stupid defenses. That's just the legal system. But when you start conjuring up spells of mana and absolute bollocks because race relations are turning to shit, it's a sign we're heading down the wrong path, IMHO.
Finger rolling rhythm, ride the horse one hand...
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