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Old 18th September 2019, 01:02     #157
A mariachi ogre snorkel
Here's the absolute bestest argument for why Stallman should be unpersoned: he was violent towards students at MIT.

"Huh? In what way?"

When analysing the words 'sexual assault' with reference to one of Epstein's victims, Stallman said ""we can imagine many scenarios" including one in which the girl was coerced into faking consent.

Twitter mob reaction:
"we can imagine many scenarios": reduces everything happening to a thought exercise

Reducing this all to a thought exercise in front of people who are directly and indirectly the targets of sex trafficking (who have experienced it, know people who have, or who are or have been the sought-after demographic for it) is violence and erasure.
See? by referring to a thought exercise, in an email that could be read by women, Stallman did violence to those women. Therefore he's fired.
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