Thread: nCoV 2019
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Old 30th March 2020, 13:57     #438
I have detailed files
Not sure if it's cabin fever frustration, or just school holiday larrikinism, but on my walk at 06:00 this morning, I came across a soak hose strewn across the road - oh well, maybe a car collected it and dragged it there as it backed out. Then another down the foot path. And a "For Sale" placard and supporting woodwork ripped out of a lawn and tossed on the road. And at the last section in this subdivision to finally be built on, a horizontal portaloo.

This is just the beginning.

I've heard that Air traffic is down to 5% of the usual activity - which makes sense with everything shut down. For a business that models it's pricing around a fixed amount of expected business, it goes without saying that times will be tough for a while yet. I don't see our tourism industry or even domestic traffic picking up anytime soon after the lockdown is lifted. If anything, we have proven that working virtually is good enough, who needs face to face?

We all thought flying cars and drones would be the disrupter - not something we can't even see.

Last edited by StN : 30th March 2020 at 13:59.
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