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Old 21st March 2023, 14:46     #9
Originally Posted by Native
Using ChatGPT to write my job descriptions at work - saves me fucking hours and hours.

Also using it to get summaries from annual reports saving me similar time.

It's definitely having its uses - but also makes me worry about how corporates (capital) will benefit a lot and people (labour) will get minced.
It's very quickly becoming clear that if you're not leveraging AI in assisting with your workload, you're going to be falling behind. This is a fairly straight forward and comprehensive demonstration of how you can use AI to perform complex workload:

The NZ government should develop its own AI, work to maximise the volume of kiwi knowledge and data to be accessible to this kind of AI, so that as kiwis ask kiwi questions, we get kiwi answers.

Just like search engine results and social media algos impact society and culture due to their functional biases, so will this kind of AI. And there's the reality that we could get accustomed to/dependent on the tech and have it pulled from under us. We need at least the option to independently maintain capacity.
Stay shook. No sook.
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