Thread: US race riots
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Old 12th June 2020, 22:43     #81
No, the police violence is also in that video. He opposes the bullshit concept of ancestral debt and reparations based on race. US has a problem with state monopoly on violence and elites stretching wealth inequality to new records. Stories (in news and Hollywood) of adversarial race relations win the news cycle / boxoffice and have done for decades.

It is ripe for Active Measures, and has been exploited brilliantly by whichever group / country is lighting the fires. People become what they are constantly told that they are, even if that thing is a lie. Repeat it enough and it makes itself true. No wonder so many people are out for blood with a little bit of organisation and encouragement. They are brainwashed.

From what I hear, libertarians don't condone racism nor anti-racism. Their north star is trust in people to go about their lives peacefully, less government, more freedom, and less government funded violence.

Personally, I strive to judge people on their character, and an ideal world would be a meritocracy as flawed as that concept is. It shits on exclusionary racism / discrimination for obvious reasons, and shits on anti-racism affirmative action which seeds suspicion that black people don't rightly earn their positions through their abilities and skills alone.

Treating a race of people as too dumb (or too smart if your asian) to make it on their own is a dumb idea that looks at solving a superficial problem without considering the 2nd and 3rd order consequences. Treating one's self as evil for having white skiln is also dumb. Getting on your knees if you're white in the presence of a black person is a dumb idea.

Then there is Australian racism which is perhaps the cruelest and most drawn out form of genocide the world has seen regarding Aboriginal people and their slow erasure. That, and refugees are sentenced to a fate worse than the extremist countries they are fleeing from. And our PM openly celebrates his role in it!
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