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Old 17th March 2009, 14:29     #30
Originally Posted by plaz0r
I'm pretty sure that National has never said they want to sell off ACC - as far as I can tell that shit has all been coming from the media. What I *have* seen National saying is that they want to open up ACC to private competition. Can't really see any huge problems with that personally.
OK, maybe they're not going to fully privatise, but they are as you say on the road to enforcing private/commercial style governance onto it.

I'm not suggesting ACC isn't wasteful in its current form, and it could certainly be run more efficiently; but certain public services don't have to be run like lean, profit-making companies in order to best serve the public that funds them. Sometimes higher funding does = better, more equitable service to the community.
If ignorance is bliss, why is everyone so unhappy these days?
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