Thread: Evolution
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Old 18th July 2000, 08:47     #153
Don't worry, be harpy

"Space. Space, that is already there.
Can you understand that?
If you cannot figure that one out, then yes, I can see how you would have a lot of trouble, grasping the concept, of God."

Oh, I'm sorry, I thought we were arguing intelligently here, or at least trying to. Where do you pull that sort of shit from, PK?
Did your bible tell you this?
Did your Great White Father tell you this?

I personally find it mind-boggling that any one person could be so adamant about anything unprovable and improbable, but I guess thats what religion is about.
God will save me. No matter what I do, God will save me. I'll go to fairy land and live forever and don't have to think about ANYTHING because God will save me.

Don't call evolutionists "narrow minded" just because they're brave enough to see outside the square and you're not yet.