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Old 22nd September 2022, 17:18     #326
Robust news sources manage a juggle. If they're effective they present to a naive audience, but they do so in a way that leaves more sophisticated audiences the space to read between the lines. The lesser or greater degrees. For instance Fox and RT generally push hard into pandering to a naive audience.

If it's a decent news source, at least what I consider decent, they don't say it, but you'll be able to hear the message if you listen, saying "we don't know, there's lots of misinformation here, there's a PR agenda going on here, here's what's being sold, here are the fragments of facts we have, you also recognise our bias and we assume you're recognising your own".

And then you gotta do your own juggle. Become adept at identifying various signals in the noise, recognising maybe half the time you're just imagining things. Broadcasting your own signals.

Like for instance, talking about neo-nazis as if that can be taken seriously, as if we don't have any number of people here who get stupid tattoos, naively imagine themselves somehow related to the symbol without even a shallow understanding of its significance. That's a signal of an agenda or a bias being exploited by an agenda.
Stay shook. No sook.

Last edited by Lightspeed : 22nd September 2022 at 17:21.
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