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Old 13th February 2012, 17:16     #13
Stunt Pants
Originally Posted by chiQ
It was like he was deliberately setting them up to fail his little test.
I'd be inclined to agree with you if it wasn't such an easy request to respond to.

"If you hold a school ball or formal could you please answer the following questions?"
As per your request under the OIA; we do not have school balls.

"Do you have a policy on same-sex dates?"

Pretty easy to respond to, as schools would be unlikely to commit any sort of policy to writing. So respond with "We have no formal policy on the matter"

"In the past, has the school banned same-sex dates from attending the school ball or formal?"

Chances are they could answer this with "No, not to my knowledge" with the obvious exception of those schools that have. If they're going to ban same sex dates, they have to be prepared to justify it. This is one of those occasions where they may have to defend their actions!

"Do you have a policy on parties before/after the school ball or formal?"

Again, easy. Large schools have most likely had to discuss this at a staff or BoT level and ought to have some idea of what their approach to this is. Schools that are too small/well behaved have an easy answer: ""We have no formal policy on the matter."

If the schools don't reply, they end up looking like they something to hide and risk it blowing up further. Best to reply in good faith and most likely that will be the end of it.

I think the fellow's email may have been somewhat clumsily worded, but holier-than-thou and aggressive? No. Impolite? Who cares. Why take it personally when it's so easy resolve? The schools' responses were typically haughty and suspicious. Commonly, "Who are you?! Why do you want to know what we think?! Send us a hard copy! (we're scared of getting tricked by the internet)" Ultimately, these schools show a stunning lack of basic awareness of the OIA and should really wise up. "We're not going to comply with the law because fuck you!" will only cause them more trouble than it's worth.

Honestly, I think most of these principals (and administrators) have no business teaching with such moronic responses to the OIA request and with such intractable attitudes.

Finally, kudos to the kid for being knowledgeable about the Act and having the gumption to file the requests. Fuck if the schools don't like it. Those people having a go at the kid are probably of the "aw yeah nah just chill bro why u gotta make trouble man" variety. Well, fuck them.
I just want to understand this, sir. Every time a rug is micturated upon in this fair city, I have to compensate the owner?
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