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Old 13th February 2012, 15:08     #2
get to da choppa
Here I was reading it to see what the replies were with the schools that did give him the information, but instead it was his holier-than-thou, I know more about the OIA than you do, wankish going on about how the schools responded to his overly aggresive email.

Anyone that would actually use the OIA for it's intended purpose (Actual research where they publish/research the results of the query and not the personal responses to the method the query was asked) would have happily answered the logical questions most of the schools asked ("Who are you?") in a polite and civilised manner.

The guy seems a complete dick.

Edit: So he says he will release the actual responses to the request in the coming weeks. I Still don't see the need or point of this blog post.

Last edited by Juju : 13th February 2012 at 15:10.
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