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Old 13th December 2020, 15:48     #648
That's true, but as concepts they're still fairly welded together in our society. It's the undoing of this weld, and the free-ish nature of our society, that are compelling this reorganisation of institutions that traditionally relied on this weld.

Strength/muscle based sports are only a subset of sports. But regardless there are plenty of sports that already split by gender that are also split by other factors to ensure a large body of competitors rather than just the few that are the biggest and strongest.

There's no reason why we can't do this without gender/sex being a factor.

But as Ab points out, there's a lot more to sports than competition. There's money and influence tied up in it. A rare stepping stone into wealth or at least out of poverty for many. Then there's how we use sport as a means of maintaining national identity.

It's all very complex, but resisting the change is ultimately doomed to fail, short our free-ish society becomes less than free. Which will certainly by what some will push for. But only to their own detriment. I expect to see many examples of that posted here.
Stay shook. No sook.
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