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Old 21st October 2017, 20:16     #69
Whether it was right or not, the fact of a leak from the previously tightly held talks was seen as a clear sign all was not well on the National side - and that someone was trying to spin a narrative that Labour was caving in while National stood firm and principled.

Peters - as well as English and Ardern - has since rubbished the claim. It seems the truth was quite the reverse. National had in fact offered five Cabinet posts and two ministers outside Cabinet compared with Labour's offer of four and three.

What had really been the decisive issue was National's refusal to bend on key policies - which just fed what was seen as NZ First's preference for a new government of change rather than supporting a fourth term National administration with some nipping and tucking on economic policy.

It seems National was prepared to offer more "baubles of office" but was not prepared to compromise on key economic policies including monetary policy, and major increase in spending or further curbs on foreign investment. Labour's policy - by comparison - was already moving in that direction.

Interesting how it played out. In hindsight I suppose Labour & NZ First are closer aligned politically and so would work together better.
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