Thread: Tribes Ascend
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Old 27th August 2012, 23:33     #36
b0rk b0rk b0rk!
Originally Posted by Heresy
I'm playing from London and don't know anyone, so I'll add you.
Awesome - I'll keep an eye out for you.
Some games are great fun, and some are annoying. A fair portion of each team needs to have clue what they're doing and want to play as a team rather than just on their own. If one team plays like a team and the other doesn't, it gets frustrating quickly.
Yeah I've been playing clan games more often lately, the public games are a bit of a crapshoot. I'd recommend checking out the pug scene in EU, most nights there's one or two pug's running and they're pretty noob friendly. has all the details. is pretty much the entire EU comp scene, though I think esl are going to try to get something going soon.
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