Thread: Tribes Ascend
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Old 20th August 2012, 21:20     #35
Originally Posted by Grimble
Oh Hai! Nick is Grimble if any old o-bots or Malks are playing in Europe..

See that, first post in years right there.
I'm playing from London and don't know anyone, so I'll add you.

Enjoying this, racked up 8ish hours over the weekend. I'm liking my latency to my server (15ms) and I'm finding I enjoy different classes depending which map I'm playing. Jugg on Drydock, Pathfinder on Crossfire, Solder on Arx Novena. Haven't spent much time playing other classes yet but I've unlocked a couple.

Some games are great fun, and some are annoying. A fair portion of each team needs to have clue what they're doing and want to play as a team rather than just on their own. If one team plays like a team and the other doesn't, it gets frustrating quickly.

I'll try on the Sentinel plus mines later on.
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