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Old 8th November 2022, 20:24     #1845
A collaborative reference group, led by co-chairs Dr Hope Tupara and Dr Judith McAra-Couper, was appointed to review the current guidelines. The group included members of both tangata whenua and tangata tiriti.
Tangata whenua held the view that whānau was a much more appropriate word to use instead of woman, “which is philosophically consistent with mātauranga paradigms of holism in social structures” – the idea that various systems should be viewed as wholes, rather than simply a collection of individual parts.
“As a Māori midwife, I provide whānau-centred care rather than women-centred care, which allows me to enter into the whānau space and meet the needs of the entire whānau.
“And for me, whānau means ‘as determined by the woman’. So it is not the Western concept of whānau, it can be your flatmate if that’s who you think of as your family.”
She said the change in wording did not change the way midwives provided care, but legitimised her approach as a Māori midwife.
I don't know the mandate/expertise of the tangata whenua reference group, or if their or the interviewed Maori midwife's views are inline with tikanga.
Protecting your peace is way more important than proving your point. Some people aren't open to cultivating their views. Just let them be wrong.
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