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Old 16th October 2014, 20:33     #35
A mariachi ogre snorkel
Originally Posted by Spink
Survival is an interesting term to use. I would say comfort sustaining reckless population growth and consumption, not survival.

Is it really surviving if you can't get an iphone, though.
I dunno. I really don't. Right now the human race seems to me like someone who has blown all his money on luxuries and who is now spending his last dollar on bus fare to the city for a job interview. There's no fallback position; if the job doesn't happen, the guy's fucked.

We're an energy-voracious wasteful toxic organism. We, Western industrialised society, have basically blown our birthright of knowledge and technology and cheap energy on luxury wars, and we're now getting to the point where if that knowledge and tech and energy doesn't get us off-planet, we're fucked. If we don't make a leap to the next energy sources (fusion, nextgen solar, whatever) we will run out of our current energy sources (petrol, gas, fission) and then go back to the old ones (coal, wood, whale oil, etc).

We'll be stuck, dying, and taking the ecosphere down with us. Developing fusion power is something that only a wealthy energy-rich scientific society can do. It takes the energy resources of fossil fuels to GET to nextgen tech. If we fuck it up, the next society that rises won't have those resources.
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