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Old 2nd February 2021, 12:04     #51
The house won the battle, and was forced to show everyone the sausage factory in the process. Robinhood will lose a shit tonne of users, but the next hot brokerage app will also sell user data.

The GME war isn't over yet. The many short positions are still due to close over Feb / Mar. So there's a bit of juice left. Also it's not just retail, there will be opposition hedge funds who will gladly stick the knife in Melvin Capital.

Then there's the fake allies:
Chamath got in on the price rise, but exited his position to take profits (and give to charity). Uh, the point was to buy and hold so the hedge funds cannot buy the stock back at all.

Jimmy Kimmel blames Russia... yawn.
but what would I know?
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