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Old 26th January 2024, 22:28     #101
I'm not sure I gloated about having parties during lockdown - I went to see my family while Auckland was still locked down, but if you call me going to see my Mum and give her a hug "a party" then whatever bro. If there was any gloating it would be about the fact I had had enough and stopped obeying stupid rules. It was a bullshit pandemic anyway. That's why I'm still alive. I took care of myself. Even so...

Of course the present is a result of the past - that's just the nature of time. But I also understand that no one else will make my life better for me - it's something I have to do for myself. Others may make life more difficult that are out of your control, but you always just have to do what you can for yourself. They do what they do, you do what you do. Everyone looks after themselves. Everyone gets a lucky dip at birth - no one chooses to be born into a rich/poor family, black/white, able/disabled, etc. That's just luck of the draw. It is what it is.

I certainly don't sit here and think of every terrible thing that happened in the past and use it as a reason or excuse for why my situation might not be optimal. If anything, I look at my past mistakes and aim to learn from them. If I just sat here blaming my genetics, my gender, historic wrongs against my family from generations ago, unwanted encounters with people, people calling me names, or even the misfortune of my own birth and convince myself that as a result I'm doomed or useless, I'd just be a miserable cunt with a chip on my shoulder blaming the world. That's not my style. I might be a cunt of sorts online, but I do it for entertainment to wind people up. I'll own it. But I don't care.

You can call it "naive" if you want, but that's just my worldview - I don't blame others, I can only blame myself. Sure, I may complain about the world and problems I see, but ultimately I just work with what I've got. I make observations, but I don't develop a complex about them as a result. There are plenty of things I don't like about the world, but that's no reason to give up and constantly moan. I do what I can to share my opinions, but that's about where it ends. I'll discuss things, but I don't care so much that I'll glue my hand to a road in protest.

You seem to take on problems far bigger than you and I, make them somehow your own responsibility, and it makes you see the world through a lens of "everything is unfair". I might be "naive", but as a result I don't have to worry about shit I can't change. For instance Palestine vs Israel. I'm sure it's terrible, but I don't give a fuck. Nothing I do or say will change the entrenched power structure. To make it my own personal crusade is pointless. I'm not a trained soldier, I don't have Netanyahu's phone number, and I'm way down the list of "people with clout". Not my problem. I sleep easy. Same with poor people/rich people. I don't know why you make it your issue that inequality exists. Inequality will always exist. Inequality gets worse when the financial system breaks down. Society is in decline. So what? Blaming this group or that group doesn't solve the problem. The only thing we can do is look after ourselves. Be prepared. Think ahead. Make better choices.

I made that last comment to see how you would react to giving ME things, simply as a result of me being Maori. If you think "why should he be treated special" or "I don't want to help him" then bingo, that's how I feel. If you think "he's not even a Maori, he's white!" then welcome to the can of worms. How Maori do you have to be to be oppressed? We are told blood quantum isn't a thing, so we can't rely on that. If you "whakapapa Maori" you deserve some sort of extra assistance? No thanks. Reducing complex social problems to "because they identify as Maori" is also a very simplistic conclusion to draw, and I don't agree with that being the root cause of people's fucked up lifestyles. That's why I don't agree with treating Maori as a Borg group. Every Maori is different. To say "because Maori" is to reduce people to simply their race, which I consider distasteful.

I don't think I deserve more than you do - or anyone else in the country - I don't even have an irrational hate for immigrants (who are obviously neither Kiwis or Maori when they step off the plane) - if they come and follow the rules, they get what they're entitled to according to the rules. If that situation didn't gel with me, I'd prefer to change the rules, not hate on the immigrants personally. I'm more practical than emotional. It's my personality type. I just think we should be a unified country with equal citizenship, and stop all this "but I'm Maori, therefore I want to do things my own way because white people hate me". No, you want money, just say it.

Just hating the rich, or blaming white people, or saying everything is "the patriarchy" etc is just divisive and not really a solution at all. If observing that being a moaner and blaming others while not actually sorting your own shit out is "naive" then I'm naive as fuck.
Finger rolling rhythm, ride the horse one hand...
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