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Old 1st August 2005, 20:39     #40
What grinds your gears?

Originally posted by Noodles

I'm with fobski, the "can you fix my pc" ppl piss me off the most

You both need one of these

And as to what grinds my gears?

Annoying shitty class members at uni who you get paired up with to train each other, yet they wont do anything. Makes you wonder why they study exercise science. I ended up with this total fat lazy idiot

Me - So, iv organised a weight training session for today

Stoopid fat bitch - I don’t have any shoes. I cant go into the gym.

Me - Well we will do some swiss ball then

Stoopid fat bitch - My back hurts, i wont do it

me - Well have you organised anything for me to do

Stoopid fat bitch - No, ill have something next week.

Next 15 weeks - Same thing every time

Exercise testing

Me - i need you to do a beep test

Her - i did one yesterday

Me - ok, ill see if you did or not

Me to lecturer who is in the same netball team

Did you do beep tests last night?

Her - no

........ pwned, thou she still didn’t do one, complained of a sore ankle

I complained to the lecturer and said that everything she would say in her assignment would be a lie because she hasn’t done anything

she failed - i managed to scrape through with 50.6% due to not being able to write about anything in my assignment. I did write about how much of a lazy idiot she was thou.
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