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Old 20th October 2023, 19:11     #522
Comet C/2023 A3 Could Be the Next Great Comet

Currently , C/2023 A3 is very faint as it flies outside Jupiter’s orbit, but the fun will peak next year when it skims closely past the Earth and the Sun. Its perigee, or closest approach to Earth, will occur on October 12, 2024 placing the comet less than 0.5 Earth-Sun distances (AU) from our planet. Perihelion will occur shortly before, on September 27, 2024..

Interestingly, both of these points in the comet’s orbit will position it between the Earth and Sun. This "forward scattering event" may bolster the comet's brightness. In this case, sunlight coming from behind the comet, according to our perspective on Earth , is scattered off of dust particles in the comet’s coma towards our eyes . As a result, the comet could appear brighter than we would expect, but there is a caveat – its sandwiching between the Earth and the Sun means the best viewing will occur during the evening or morning instead of the darkness of night.
Stay shook. No sook.
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